Many Drops of Kindness Form an Ocean of Great Love
We sincerely invite you to support our Missions through donations. Just as how Tzu Chi Taiwan started with 30 humble housewives each saving NT$0.50 in a bamboo coin bank daily to raise funds for charity, we can combine our loving contributions and make a difference to the lives of the underprivileged in our society too.
Support our efforts in the propagation of the Dharma and Buddhist culture as well as our local and overseas humanitarian aid activities
Note: Buddhist Tzu Chi Merit Organization (Singapore) Ltd is a charity organization registered with Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) under the Charities Act. Attention: All donations made to Buddhist Tzu Chi Merit Organization (Singapore) Ltd. are NOT eligible for IRAS tax deduction.

Online Donation
You may make a one-time donation or monthly donations via the following online platform:

Scan QR Code
Or Enter UEN: 201611166R

Please make your cheque payable to "Tzu Chi Merit Organization" and indicate your full name in English (and Chinese), NRIC/FIN/UEN number, address and contact number at the back of your cheque. You may submit the cheque to us in person or mail it to our address stated below:
Buddhist Tzu Chi Merit Organization (Singapore) Ltd.
9 Elias Road, Singapore 519937.

You may visit our Jing Si Hall (9 Elias Road, Singapore 519937), to make a cash donation. We are open from Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm.