English Dharma Book Study

English Dharma Book Study

8 Mar, 12 Apr, 10 May, 14 Jun, 12 Jul, 9 Aug, 13 Sep, 11 Oct, 8 Nov, 13 Dec 2024
2nd Friday of each month

8.00 PM - 9.00 PM

Open to Tzu Chi Volunteers and Public

Language English

Fee Free

Category Sharing & Training

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English Dharma Book Study

Embark on a Journey of Wisdom: Explore the "Teachings and Commentary on the Sutra of Infinite Meaning"

Delving into a book is like savouring tea. As the term implies, "book tasting" requires repeated reflection after reading to have an in-depth understanding of the meaning conveyed.

We invite you to our book study focused on the insightful "Teachings and Commentary on the Sutra of Infinite Meaning." This group offers a welcoming space for individuals of all backgrounds to delve into the profound wisdom of this text.

To ensure quality of learning, each session features a different member facilitating the guided reading, creating a collaborative learning environment, with participation limited to fewer than 20 individuals.

Book title: "Teachings and Commentary on the Sutra of Infinite Meanings" by Master Cheng Yen

For TC volunteers, please register through VMS:

For non-volunteers, please register through your Tzu Chi contact.

We look forward to your attendance to learn from Brother Joe Huang’s deep insights and clear explanations of Master’s teachings.